
浏览次数:236 发布时间:2014-10-30

翻译领域:石油钻探          翻译类别:投标书       翻译语种:英译中




Feldspar, quartz and calcite coexist in tight oil reservoir in the study area, with big variation of the content. It means that the mixed matrix value greatly changes, leading to uncontrolled precision of porosity calculation with the conventional single density method. For tight oil reservoir with complicated mineral components in the study area, in order to achieve that the relative error of porosity calculation is less than 8%, a method that controls mineral changes or is not affected by minerals should be used as many of existing methods provide poor applicability. An effective method available is the variable matrix value neutron – density intersection method. Neutron and density logging responses are a comprehensive reflection of the pore’s fluid property, porosity and rock matrix. The changing lithology of tight oil reservoir leads to an inconstant matrix parameter and incomplete aqueous porespace; three parameters cannot be solved with neutron or density equation. Tight oil reservoir includes matrix, shale and pore. However, pore contains not only oil and gas but also formation water. For this reason, the following log response equations of the variable matrix method are obtained based on the rock volume physical logging model for tight oil reservoir as shown in Fig. 3 and by using neutron, density and sonic logging.
